One thing to remember, every newcomer in the area will undoubtedly Kinahrejo unlucky when to offend the local people. "Later on possible kuwalat happens," supplement soon. Sekejam itukah? "In fact I enggak. But really, grandparent Merapi is not like the village here (Kinahrejo, Red) so that the target can act commendable. The problem is, people here still sebetulnyakan including people grandparent Palace Merapi. Nggak believe? Try it and see you to ask people here, what ever this region is exposed to hot lava bursts Merapi? Surely they are not responsible, "the light soon.
Added, some local people describe her ruler Palace Merapi with a hideous creature, but high-minded and do not intend evil, "He is pengayom of the local community," Suharjiyah demolished. The amount of confidence to the local community to the existence of grandparent Merapi make sure that they will be things that happen that mystical befall the community. For example, the gate Kramat, people living on the slopes of Mount Merapi to believe that the gate is prophylactic from all marabahaya.
The gate that stands for 9 centuries that have left nearly Mount Merapi disaster. While technically the area including the danger list. It was also not separated from the presence of the two hills (WUTAH and girdle), which functions as a fortress villages around Kinahrejo. "Hill and the hills gird WUTAH is still a regional power in the incoming grandparent Merapi. Itukan pasebannya (to the king to place) Palace grandparent Merapi. So I will probably grandparent tega destroy people who have long inhabited the place about it," explains more soon .
Indeed, compared to other villagers, Kinahrejo fate of the village and surrounding areas including the successful. In addition to the village is nearly always escape the threat of danger from Merapi hot lava, perhaps including the village village kesayangan grandparent Merapi also become a reresentasi atmosphere of a life of comfort and well-tentram.
If not bizarre dikemudian days sindirin often appear to be local residents diwilayah southwestern mountain Merapi disaster subscription so often lava. "If we want to live quietly tentram, move here. Grandparent Merapi is always protect us," said Wardiyah, one of the residents who claim to native village Kinahrejo.
Speech Wardiyah indeed, there is truth. The villagers have received seems Kinahrejo warranty grandparent of Merapi. In short, as long as they obeyed all the rules against, for example that there is always present offering a feather bekti offerings and rituals Labuhan always do every year, they are optimistic and confident that they will remain protected from the threat of eruption of Merapi.